Beautiful and Immortal
PresaDiretta questions one of the most powerful myths of contemporary society, eternal youth. Can you be young forever? In the United States, they are not only convinced, but are preparing to break the most extreme of scientific limits: death. There is, in fact, who is preparing to become immortal. American technology giants are investing a river of money on anti-aging research, the dream of eternity is the business of the future. Ultimately, for the foremost, for the optimists convinced that sooner or later the way to be reported in life even after death someone will find it, there are those who thought of hibernation.
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Den vigtigste årsag var mangel på råvarer, “som normalt leveres af virksomheder hier fra Fjernøsten”. Fjernøsten er det begreb, som briterne bruger om en række lande, herunder Kina, Japan, Vietnam, Korea og andre lande. Eftersom Rusland ikke kan bebrejdes, må vi generelt set skyde skylden over på en kendt producent af råvarer til medicinalindustrien, nemlig Kina, under den generiske betegnelse “Fjernøsten”.