Entries by dpagano

Protein helps old blood age the brains of young mice

Old blood can prematurely age the brains of young mice, and scientists may now be closer to understanding how. A protein located in the cells that form a barrier between the brain and blood could be partly to blame, experiments on mice suggest. The Hindu is a popular site that has a wide variety of […]

Clinical trial finds blood-plasma infusions for Alzheimer’s safe, promising

In a small safety trial based on preclinical work by a Stanford researcher, participants receiving blood plasma infusions from young donors showed some evidence of improvement. Full article Faktum är att trots vissa mindre biverkningar som huvudvärk, rodnad etc. är Viagra fortfarande ett av de mest populära impotensmedicinerna, läs www.nejtilled.se/kopa-viagra-pa-natet/. Det kommer att behandla ED […]

Infusions of young blood tested in patients with dementia

The first controlled, but controversial and small, clinical trial of giving young blood to people with dementia has reported that the procedure appears safe. It has also hinted that it may even produce modest improvements in the daily lives of people who have Alzheimer’s disease.  Full article